Friday, August 04, 2006

To Quote My Friend 24K... "PISS YEAH!!!"

Hollywood, for the most part, is full of dipshits who greenlight a bunch of crap and make way too much money because America, for the most part, is full of fuckin' retards who'll flock like sheep to the goddamn theater to see some garbage because their lives suck.

But once in a while Hollywood releases something that makes going to the theater worth it...

Beerfest is from Broken Lizard, the same people who did Super Troopers, and from the looks of things it will be superb. Anyone who knows me knows I love beer eternally and unconditionally so this movie will undoubtedly become one of my all-time favorites, taking its rightful place alongside Strange Brew (the greatest movie about drunk Canadians ever). By the way, if you haven't seen Strange Brew, your life sucks. Buy it immediately.


Blogger willy said...

fuckin hoser.

August 07, 2006 2:58 AM  
Blogger willy said...


August 07, 2006 2:58 AM  
Blogger Doxx said...



August 08, 2006 7:45 PM  
Blogger that huberok said...

strange brew changed my life

August 13, 2006 8:43 PM  

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